Thursday, 14 October 2010


Hi everyone,just popped by to say thanks to everyone who came to say hello at port sunny.
Wow what a busy show ,first time for me at this one ,and its one I,d reccommend you visit.            
                                                                                                   It,s set in a stunning 
                                                                                      building,within the fantastic port sunlight garden  
                                                                                                        village. Here are a   few photos  of the hall,and surrounding buildings.
These two are just beautiful properties.

And look at the work in this building  ,pity property,is not built on this scale now.Robert ,Gordon and myself were lucky to take time out before the show and have a  wander around this lovely place.

This is the calm before opening.The crowds waiting very patiently.
This is the ceiling of the ladies loo,s,how glam is that. Anyways thats all folks,off to pack as my family and I are off travelling over half term.So see you at the NEC in november.
cheers michellex


  1. I was there, I came to say hello and watch a demonstration of the die-cutting machine - very tempting. The photos are lovely, it's so easy to overlook the buildings and their beauty when you're busy heading in for the show!

  2. Another comment which I suggest you don't 'approve' and make visible - is there some way of changing the font you're using here? It really is very, very difficult to read.

  3. HI Hun it was lovely to see you at the show - I left a message the other day for Robert on his blog if you pop over to my blog I have mentioned you all on my WOYWW - whats on your workspace wednesday post for this week - love and hugs to you all it was a brilliant show. spk soon Liz - bobs
